lafsl formerly lafhc

Los Angeles FamilySearch Library
formerly Los Angeles Family History Library
  Content Search of Books, Films, Fiche and Maps at the LAFSL
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Content Search of Books, Films, Fiche and Maps at the LAFSL

You can also search the Los Angeles FamilySearch Library (LAFSL) microfilm and microfiche by numbers HERE

Search for ONLY one Film or Fiche by Number Here 

Order Microfilm/Microfiche using the Link Below

The LAFSL has three searchable book collections.
Search the Jewish book collection HERE
Search the Polish book collection HERE

Use the search below to determine the contents of the LAFSL book, film, fiche and maps
collections at the Los Angeles FamilySearch Library (LAFSL).

Search Subject and Locality 
Search Title 
Search Author  
Search Summary and Notes 
Search Call Number 

First full or part-of-a-word or call number you want to search for:   
full word       part-of-word              

And (optionally) second full or part-of-a-word you want to search for:     
full word       part-of-word              

And (optionally) third full or part-of-a-word you want to search for:
full word       part-of-word               


You may use the online Family History Library Catalog to find the
book or microfilm or microfiche before using the search engine above.


 You can search for books, films, fiche, maps in different ways;

 1. Choose the areas to "Search".   ("Subject", "Title", "Author", "Summary" and/or "Call Number").
 2. Enter First full word or part-of-word in the first box.
     (exclude "A," "An," or "The,")     OR
 3. Enter First, Second, or Third full or part-of-word's in the three boxes.

 4. Click "Full word" or "Part-of-word".
 5. Click ""Search books, film, fiche, maps" or "Search books, maps only".

Books, films, fiche, maps can be found using either full or part-of-words for
Subject, Title, Author, Summary, and/or Call Number.
Upper or lower case?  It doesn't matter.

Examples of part-of-words:
For the First full word try --- Martin
For the Second part-of-word try --- [Will        ]  (as in Willie)
Locations of Resources in LAFSL
MICROFILM - microfilm area, MICROFICHE - microfiche area,
BOOKS - Book Room or (Jewish) computer area or (Polish) next to microfilm readers, MAPS - Map Room
Ordering Microfilm/Microfiche Online from FamilySearch

LAFSL Floor Plan

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or Click Here to E-mail.

Web page revised 8 March 2014 by Jon Schweitzer.
Web page revised 3 July 2014 by Dale Hanks.
Copyright © 2005-2014 by LAFSL. All rights reserved.

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